Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Cheap Secret to Amazing Skin- You Probably Have it

Hi all, this is not so much of an unspeakable conversation (unless your catty and don’t want to share your beauty secrets with the worldJ), but I wanted to share some TRUTH about skincare. You DO NOT need to spend a bunch of money on face products. That’s a load of crap- I learned the hard way, and I was even doing my research before buying the products. Here’s the most incredible skin product I have found- and you probably have it in your house right now!


Apply a fine layer to your skin as a moisturizer, and as a toner (NEVER BUY TONER OR FACE LOTION AGAIN (except sunscreen…)) after washing your face (usually before bed). I actually use it as a cleanser at night sometimes without even washing my face, but I find I can only get away with this for about a week until my skin needs a gentle scrub down (this gives lots of time for my beloved Xen tan to give me a deep olive tan).

Don’t buy makeup remover either- you can use coconut oil (make sure it says expeller pressed). It’s very gentle and also a wonderful makeup primer if you want a fresh glow. If you wash your skin in the morning then I recommend using this stuff as a face lotion since it is not as thick as the

How it works: I would speculate that since Neosporin is an antibiotic, it works by sanitizing the pores. With no germs swimming around on your skin, your body has no reason to react defensively aka form a zit. It maintains your acid mantle because you are not using harsh cleansers that dry out your skin (acid mantle is a protective layer of oil with a specific PH that your skin maintains on its own).

Note: the best thing you can do for your skin is drink 8 cups of water a day, and get lots of sleep. Plus eat healthy, clean (raw) foods. Your stomach is not a waste basket!

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