Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Infinite: Space

One thing that I have been making a rather huge deal about lately is infinite. It is impossible
for us to wrap our minds around the idea because it’s like trying to wrap your brain around a line that never ends.
I have heard Einstein has a lot of things that would be interesting to get into but I haven’t had a chance to learn about them; The Theory of Relativity?
Anyways, the point of this post is to talk about space and interesting ideas about it or knowledge.
My friend and I were looking up black holes and it is rather fascinating. They come into being by a planet with such a strong force of gravity that eventually it becomes low on fuel and collapses in on itself. Then there is a black hole. If anything goes into it,
the gravity sucks it in and tears it up, adding matter to the black hole so that it simply becomes larger and larger, although it stays in one place somehow. It also bends light, so watching someone get sucked into a black hole, it would look like they were getting slower and slower as they get to the middle because the closer they get to the center, the slower the light gets
through it. In reality they would be dead when you still see them there (I related this to a person who gets addicted to heroin.)
I may be wrong on some of the last post but that just what I remember.
Einstein also believes that the universe is expanding, that may be the theory of
relativity, but I'm not sure.
The universe is full of patterns and shapes, and dimensions and forces and energies. People who don’t believe in some sort of afterlife for our conscious are starting to look like the stupid ones to me now... Imagine if our conscious was forever growing, we may be smart enough someday to create our own universe in a lab. Who’s to say that Supreme Being didn't create us? Life on earth is almost too well designed to say that it is an accident. And intelligence is unexplainable in scientific terms when considering infinite. A model this intricate needs a designer...