Sunday, May 5, 2013

Identifying Hallucinogenic Mushrooms

I noticed it's pretty hard to find online how to find and correctly identify hallucinogenic mushrooms, Which I thought would be pretty spiffy to know in case a friend shows me some mushrooms they picked so I can help them to tell whether the mushrooms will kill them or not. Sooo I decided to buy the book "Poisonous and Hallucinogenic Mushrooms," and I now understand why there isn't some quick website to give you the tips you need to know.

In order to correctly identify a hallucinogenic mushrooms vs. a, say, poisonous mushroom, one must learn how mushrooms are identified, and those of you who thought that would be easy, lets just say it is NOT. It takes practice, so get out there and picking those babies apart!

For example; you need to know the spore print of the mushroom your looking for. Seeing as people's lives may be at stake, you probably don't want to trust the internet to tell you what that's supposed to look like, I'd go for a book. You also need to pay attention to minute details such as the way the cap of the mushroom peels off the stem, what seasons/states the mushroom grows in, as well as the conditions (lawn, bark, dung etc.), how the mushroom bruises, and even tinier details that I can't even put into words, it'd have to be in a picture (okay I'll try; whether the gills bend up when attaching to the stem or down... either way, you needs pics.)

Soooo whether you were looking to make some cash, go on a "sacred trip," or even just want to know if you have some deadly facades of hallucinogenic mushrooms in your yard, your gonna have to get that book. Once I decipher the information and new mushie vocabulary ill post something for fear that someone might pick the wrong mushrooms, but until then consider ordering your own. Later!

*Update! Upon deeper examination of my book, I realized it's incredibly horribly written. I tried googling the definitions of some of the terms in it, and there were no matches whatsoever. Go to the book store or the library and find something that works (avoid the book I mentioned above).