Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Ideal Man

The ideal man only exists for the ideal girl
He’d make friends with you first and then let you know he was interested through body language.        
He’d wait for you to show interest back before trying to get closer
There’d be no pressure or emotional manipulation like mind games, or guilt trips
Once together he’d introduce you by name, not by his title over you
He’s intuitive, respects you’re opinions, and acknowledges you’re emotions                      
He’s not Mr. Nice Guy or a bad boy, He’ll tease you all day, but he’ll make sure you know he’s joking
He won’t voice his feelings towards you; he’ll keep you guessing, but he won’t do anything to make you doubt
He’ll be real with you if you ask, but if reality is hurts then he’ll say it gently
He’ll focus on your good traits, yet he’ll show support if you want to work on your flaws
He won’t be controlling, but he’ll protect you from yourself when you need him to        
He’ll say things like “If it makes you feel good about yourself, then I like it.”
He doesn’t control you, but he lets you know lessons he’s learned
-and he’ll hold you every time you cry; no matter what.
He’ll fight to make you laugh, and he’ll make the best out of any situation
He’ll be playful and you two will go on adventures. He’ll know when to be serious though when needed
He’ll remind you that being happy is a choice, and respect if you choose to be sad
The ideal boyfriend will respect you, and demand respect. He’ll make mistakes, and he’ll forgive you for yours
He wouldn’t date someone controlling or nosy because he wouldn’t do anything to break trust
He’d give you privacy and personal time whenever you need

The ideal man exists only for the ideal girl

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

How to Care for Orchids

Hello my nonexistent followers, I have yet another word worth sharing; how to care for orchids. Now I know that this information is prevalent on the internet but I have found a little trick that I think everyone should know. Yes, you should have a holy pot for your orchid, and yes you should do bark. But don't risk the imminent death that can follow an attempted feeding of your orchid. Don't buy plant food; give them fresh moss. Not only is the moss useful for telling how long its been since you last watered your orchid, it is also useful for giving them a very low dose of fresh nutrients. Orchid guru's might disagree with this decision because this could potentially expose your orchid to lawn fertilizers or parasites, so the (low) risk is yours to make.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Comprehensive All-inclusive Periodic Table of the Elements

Okay, lets be real here; I have no life. But I am so flippen proud of this! Print it out and you have an excellent reference sheet for Chem1. I am not the creator of these, just the editer who gathered useful stuff off the internet and put it all together for people to use. I'm not profitting from it so I'm guessing I'm not breaking any laws. I wouldn't know because school doesn't teach you about whats actually legal, which is pure stupidity, but i'm guessing they'll catch on eventually.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Exercise Life Hack

Exercise. How to make yourself do it.

Do not allow yourself to think about anything other than exercise. Glorify it in your mind. Think about how fun and amazing it would be. Start out small and once your doing it daily then start amping up the volume. Put posters all around your house to motivate you. Start dressing like that person who exercises. Do it before or after meals, as long as its around a habit that you already do daily. Here are some motivational pictures.

I'll write about it later- till then, its easily accessible information on the internet (don't read if they are trying to sell you something...)

Electromagnetic Frequencies and Health

By no means is this post going to scholarly educate you on electromagnetic frequencies and health. Remember this blog is about conversation, not scholarly articles.

Have you ever heard of people wearing tin foil hats?

Turns out this is not such a crazy idea. It protects your brain from exposure to electromagnetic frequencies. These do affect cell health, as far as I know (feel free to prove me wrong). It makes sense too because everything is made of atoms, which are made of protons and electrons, and waves of energy, from light to microwave, affect the behavior of electrons.

The question is whether or not you need this hat. First off, I recommend doing a cellphone trick where you wrap your cell phone up in tin foil and try calling it. The signal cant get through the tinfoil- meaning the waves cannot penetrate the aluminum atoms (why its called tin, I've no idea). However, try putting the hat over your cellphone and then calling, does it work?

Personally I don't think the hat is necessary unless you live by a cell tower or power lines, in which case you should move, and keep the hat on until then. Do your research on EMF, and don't buy into all of the products they try to sell you because all you need is cheap tinfoil.

As for the tinfoil hat... You can always make one for just in case. Just in case the crazy conspiracy theorists are right. Learn some science, cover your outlets... Try to be aware of potential hazards that are eluding your attention.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

How to Make Math Easy

Okay, lets face it. There is no way to actually make Math "Easy" but there is a way to make it so that it's not "Hard." I tried googling "Math Life Hacks," "How to be good at Math," and "How to get an A in Calculus," to no avail. I learned some good study tips, but it wasn't that "BAM" secret that I was looking for: that resource that would ensure my inevitable success in Calculus and Physics. But I didn't give up there.

(Image from Long story short I caved when we started learning washers, discs, and shells, and I bought an account at He has videos on EVERY math subject, and unlike the unhelpful khan academy, his videos actually make math seems easy.

I caught up on my Algebra, which was my weak spot, and all of the other things I somehow missed throughout my math journey. I can now proudly say that I am confident I will get through calculus, and physics (once Chris makes more physics videos- the website is still pretty new). That tutor guy is officially on my list of AMAZING people who are still alive. I put him up there with Paula Begoun, Derek Banas, and Bill Gates. People who have done such a service to humanity that their names should be recorded in history.

(Image from You don't have to be rich to afford the most amazing resource out there. Thank you Chris, for being so affordable. I now feel like my dreams are within grasp.

Monday, January 5, 2015

How to Help Neighbors Neglected Dog

Hi all!

I suspected my neighbors dogs were being stuck outside in the cold of winter. They are stuck on the porch always barking in desperation for something exciting to happen. They are stuck as the world just passes them by. I know they get some attention because I often hear the neighbors yelling "BAD DOG." Here's the thing- the neighbors are good people. The dogs are close to the house and they even got a second one so that the first one had a companion. After I talked with them, I realized that my suspicions of neglect were far from the truth- so I'm so happy I did!

For others though who want to do something about the neighbors dogs, to rescue them from their boredom:

1) Go over there and say, very sweetly "Do you care if I play with your dogs?" Luckily the neighbors are good-hearted, they will agree. Then you can play fetch with the pups

2) For other situations, you could always go over, and point out that the dog doesn't seem to get a lot of attention (say it in a sympathetic manner to avoid them getting defensive- note how much of a burden it can be so that they feel like you are being understanding). Then offer to buy the dog from them. Don't do this unless you have a kind, loving family who can take the dog(s) in. Only take them to a shelter if you think its better for them there (Shelters are also HORRIBLE for dogs, it stresses them out a whole lot).

3) If your particularly shy, try writing them a kind note offering to walk the dogs and explaining how you noticed they looked bored.

4) If you just want to make the neighbors realize that they are being cruel, have a pamphlet sent to them on proper dog care. Many don't realize how CRUCIAL social interaction is for dogs. To be extra discreet, you can send it to your neighbors too- just make sure it doesn't look like junk mail so it doesn't just get tossed immediately.

Note: Acting on this is hard, its out of your comfort zone. A trick I use is imagining how I'd feel after I made the action (saying something/sending flyers). Try to vividly picture the dogs being happy from something you did. The law of attraction will make it happen.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Cheap Secret to Amazing Skin- You Probably Have it

Hi all, this is not so much of an unspeakable conversation (unless your catty and don’t want to share your beauty secrets with the worldJ), but I wanted to share some TRUTH about skincare. You DO NOT need to spend a bunch of money on face products. That’s a load of crap- I learned the hard way, and I was even doing my research before buying the products. Here’s the most incredible skin product I have found- and you probably have it in your house right now!


Apply a fine layer to your skin as a moisturizer, and as a toner (NEVER BUY TONER OR FACE LOTION AGAIN (except sunscreen…)) after washing your face (usually before bed). I actually use it as a cleanser at night sometimes without even washing my face, but I find I can only get away with this for about a week until my skin needs a gentle scrub down (this gives lots of time for my beloved Xen tan to give me a deep olive tan).

Don’t buy makeup remover either- you can use coconut oil (make sure it says expeller pressed). It’s very gentle and also a wonderful makeup primer if you want a fresh glow. If you wash your skin in the morning then I recommend using this stuff as a face lotion since it is not as thick as the

How it works: I would speculate that since Neosporin is an antibiotic, it works by sanitizing the pores. With no germs swimming around on your skin, your body has no reason to react defensively aka form a zit. It maintains your acid mantle because you are not using harsh cleansers that dry out your skin (acid mantle is a protective layer of oil with a specific PH that your skin maintains on its own).

Note: the best thing you can do for your skin is drink 8 cups of water a day, and get lots of sleep. Plus eat healthy, clean (raw) foods. Your stomach is not a waste basket!