Saturday, March 3, 2018

Let there be Fun Discoveries (and puzzles) (and colorful spirits)

 ah, lets just say its hard being poised and… proper in my situation. I want to tell you that its not Gods style but well lets say God is maybe not who the world thinks He is (He's so much better). He told His children what they needed to get by/be safe a long time ago and obviously things have changed enough since then to where this is a whole different reality. You could think of Him as the entity of all that is good and true. And then the world turns into heaven.

I am not perfect- I make mistakes. I am just like you- programmed differently. I just… want people to know that whatever I do… its motivated by love. I have every force working against me right now. That’s the mechanical part of the world. I couldn’t do anything I’ve done without God walking me step by step through it. Were at a point to where there is a high tension of energy welling up and the sooner it gets diffused, the smaller the bang.

See the problem is that the force of whatever thing this is is so powerful that it has its own magnetic system. The closer you get to this information, the more you’ll see what I mean by the “spirits” because they’ll rack your mind over and over again looking for any impurities (your supposed to get excited about that- it means nobody whose going to misuse it can get it because they would literally have to change to good if they were bad). And this process took me several days of being spun every which direction having my mind being flipped back and forth and then if "they" (spooky spirits) found anything then they’d be like “what’s that?” and assess my reaction to see if it was “righteous” and id have to show them my reaction then they’d like shuffle through my thoughts like some kind of cross examination (no pun intended;) And then when it was over suddenly i felt like hell and nothing I could do could make it stop, but somehow I made it through that and next thing I know everyone is attacking me and the spirits were in control like I was on some kind of weird tight line and I could only go the direction they wanted me to go and I even provide graphic media to show how i feel (on the first graph on this post) Like I somehow ended up in the red zone only there’s no way back to the blue zone where everyone is at (i know you guys dont want me to post this information but like I said it needs to be dispersed so that I can gtf outta here<3) (... see? I feel closer to you guys already).
That’s me on the black dotty line trying to get on the y-axis. Do you understand what I mean when I say its going to be a powerful force of energy when I finally get out of here? How would you jump from that line to the y-axis ? You have to use… well whatever you do is going to be loud. And the more bound up I get with you guys… i'm not trying to sound all childish and threateny and whatnot but the leap has to be made, and the spirits control you just as much as they control me; you just have more area to move around. I'm… i guess im trying to say that im starting to rumble okay think of it that way and you can ignore it all you want but the rumbling is going to get louder and… wow I sound like such a flippen wierdo… ha. For real though… just saying. I iz not scary. Iz' jus like… rawr. Lemme out.

(the next day...)

So… you guys need to know what just happened because it’ll give you a good perspective so that you can do good things. Ok so there was this massive cosmic imbalance in my spirit/soul and the mechanical world freaked out like “ahhh, she’s doing too much” or whatever, and so… bottom line is. Hmm. Yeah no- they ate away a bunch of my spirit so I was kinda faced with the option of leaving it like that, or filling it back in, but if I fill it back in then the imbalance remains so I had to find a way to maintain homeostasis so what did I do? I added the part that had been ripped out of me to everybody’s spirits so now whatever lived in me that made me do whatever I did (idk I was really incoherent most of the time) now lives in everybody. Why do you need to know this? Well I diffused the explosion of energy that I was talking about earlier and lets just say I made it a little bit more spread out. So now everyone who was a threat before is now even more of a threat, but on a different scale. Its not that they’re scarier; its just that their a lot more powerful (if we could have a talk about that at some point I would appreciate it just so i know what y'all think is causing the most issues cuz i think i have a clear perspective but honestly i could just be confused... idk; it doesnt matter; God's got this). Everybody’s autopilot just got a lot more potent. Know what I mean? Honestly I didn’t have a choice; the whole world would have turned into garbage if I didn’t do it. Its… a good thing. For everyone. Even the bad guys;p