Saturday, February 7, 2015

How to Make Math Easy

Okay, lets face it. There is no way to actually make Math "Easy" but there is a way to make it so that it's not "Hard." I tried googling "Math Life Hacks," "How to be good at Math," and "How to get an A in Calculus," to no avail. I learned some good study tips, but it wasn't that "BAM" secret that I was looking for: that resource that would ensure my inevitable success in Calculus and Physics. But I didn't give up there.

(Image from Long story short I caved when we started learning washers, discs, and shells, and I bought an account at He has videos on EVERY math subject, and unlike the unhelpful khan academy, his videos actually make math seems easy.

I caught up on my Algebra, which was my weak spot, and all of the other things I somehow missed throughout my math journey. I can now proudly say that I am confident I will get through calculus, and physics (once Chris makes more physics videos- the website is still pretty new). That tutor guy is officially on my list of AMAZING people who are still alive. I put him up there with Paula Begoun, Derek Banas, and Bill Gates. People who have done such a service to humanity that their names should be recorded in history.

(Image from You don't have to be rich to afford the most amazing resource out there. Thank you Chris, for being so affordable. I now feel like my dreams are within grasp.