Tuesday, March 17, 2015

How to Care for Orchids

Hello my nonexistent followers, I have yet another word worth sharing; how to care for orchids. Now I know that this information is prevalent on the internet but I have found a little trick that I think everyone should know. Yes, you should have a holy pot for your orchid, and yes you should do bark. But don't risk the imminent death that can follow an attempted feeding of your orchid. Don't buy plant food; give them fresh moss. Not only is the moss useful for telling how long its been since you last watered your orchid, it is also useful for giving them a very low dose of fresh nutrients. Orchid guru's might disagree with this decision because this could potentially expose your orchid to lawn fertilizers or parasites, so the (low) risk is yours to make.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Comprehensive All-inclusive Periodic Table of the Elements

Okay, lets be real here; I have no life. But I am so flippen proud of this! Print it out and you have an excellent reference sheet for Chem1. I am not the creator of these, just the editer who gathered useful stuff off the internet and put it all together for people to use. I'm not profitting from it so I'm guessing I'm not breaking any laws. I wouldn't know because school doesn't teach you about whats actually legal, which is pure stupidity, but i'm guessing they'll catch on eventually.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Exercise Life Hack

Exercise. How to make yourself do it.

Do not allow yourself to think about anything other than exercise. Glorify it in your mind. Think about how fun and amazing it would be. Start out small and once your doing it daily then start amping up the volume. Put posters all around your house to motivate you. Start dressing like that person who exercises. Do it before or after meals, as long as its around a habit that you already do daily. Here are some motivational pictures.

I'll write about it later- till then, its easily accessible information on the internet (don't read if they are trying to sell you something...)

Electromagnetic Frequencies and Health

By no means is this post going to scholarly educate you on electromagnetic frequencies and health. Remember this blog is about conversation, not scholarly articles.

Have you ever heard of people wearing tin foil hats?

Turns out this is not such a crazy idea. It protects your brain from exposure to electromagnetic frequencies. These do affect cell health, as far as I know (feel free to prove me wrong). It makes sense too because everything is made of atoms, which are made of protons and electrons, and waves of energy, from light to microwave, affect the behavior of electrons.

The question is whether or not you need this hat. First off, I recommend doing a cellphone trick where you wrap your cell phone up in tin foil and try calling it. The signal cant get through the tinfoil- meaning the waves cannot penetrate the aluminum atoms (why its called tin, I've no idea). However, try putting the hat over your cellphone and then calling, does it work?

Personally I don't think the hat is necessary unless you live by a cell tower or power lines, in which case you should move, and keep the hat on until then. Do your research on EMF, and don't buy into all of the products they try to sell you because all you need is cheap tinfoil.

As for the tinfoil hat... You can always make one for just in case. Just in case the crazy conspiracy theorists are right. Learn some science, cover your outlets... Try to be aware of potential hazards that are eluding your attention.