Friday, September 28, 2012

Things I learned from my mentor

Yes, he is my tatoo artist mentor but a lot of the things he tells me are worthy of the Unspeakable Conversations:) For example, he showed me a video of a tether (I'm not the best at specifics so a lot of the info may be wrong but the concept is the important part) that was about five miles long. It ripped off of something and ended up floating into space, attracting nitrogen or something that made it glow. So here is this five mile long tether (incredibly thick) that is floating around and glowing and there were these little orb things that were caught in a video of the tether (so they looked like teeny orbs in the video, but in reality they would have been about a mile wide) and they were actually going up to the tether as though they were checking it out, and then leaving. The video suggests extreme intelligence of aliens because these "orbs" are possibly space crafts. I know i'm doing a shitty job explaining this compared to who I learned it from but if your interested there is something to look into. (Unfortunately I don't have the time)

This video is interesting because you'll see a close up of the largest orb... watch the way it glows and think about the fact that there are quite possibly creatures so intelligent they are to us as we are to dogs. Ya digg? =)  Anything much more intelligent than us could very possibly construct space ships to explore and I'd imagine they'd be extremely interested if they happened upon us.

He also told me some stuff about the pyramids that I'll have to look into and this history of ... shit I think its the India culture? I'll have to get back to you guys on that. More extensive knowledge of the black holes and perhaps they are not collapsed stars, perhaps they are wormholes into maybe another 5 gallaxies, Kind of like pockets with mysterious DNA shooting out... ANYWAYS I'm obviously not a credible source, but I thought this made good conversation. Much love!


PS- Can anyone else see the kinda yinyang sign in the moon?

One more thing he mentioned today was the way the moon affects tides, how it pulls the water, how we are made of like 80% water, how hospitals get really busy on a full moon. Question of today's post (If you read this then leave a response, damn) is do you notice bizarre odities during a full moon? Or better yet, do you notice what your doing every full moon? How you feel? Observations folks! I noticed today (full moon- think ill post every full moon) that me, Tara and Tia felt crappy. Women start acting wierd, guys not so much. Wondrin if there's a connection with the moon. Never really know till science proves it. Imagination, creation and thoughtful frustration.

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