Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Ideal Man

The ideal man only exists for the ideal girl
He’d make friends with you first and then let you know he was interested through body language.        
He’d wait for you to show interest back before trying to get closer
There’d be no pressure or emotional manipulation like mind games, or guilt trips
Once together he’d introduce you by name, not by his title over you
He’s intuitive, respects you’re opinions, and acknowledges you’re emotions                      
He’s not Mr. Nice Guy or a bad boy, He’ll tease you all day, but he’ll make sure you know he’s joking
He won’t voice his feelings towards you; he’ll keep you guessing, but he won’t do anything to make you doubt
He’ll be real with you if you ask, but if reality is hurts then he’ll say it gently
He’ll focus on your good traits, yet he’ll show support if you want to work on your flaws
He won’t be controlling, but he’ll protect you from yourself when you need him to        
He’ll say things like “If it makes you feel good about yourself, then I like it.”
He doesn’t control you, but he lets you know lessons he’s learned
-and he’ll hold you every time you cry; no matter what.
He’ll fight to make you laugh, and he’ll make the best out of any situation
He’ll be playful and you two will go on adventures. He’ll know when to be serious though when needed
He’ll remind you that being happy is a choice, and respect if you choose to be sad
The ideal boyfriend will respect you, and demand respect. He’ll make mistakes, and he’ll forgive you for yours
He wouldn’t date someone controlling or nosy because he wouldn’t do anything to break trust
He’d give you privacy and personal time whenever you need

The ideal man exists only for the ideal girl

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