Saturday, March 7, 2015

Comprehensive All-inclusive Periodic Table of the Elements

Okay, lets be real here; I have no life. But I am so flippen proud of this! Print it out and you have an excellent reference sheet for Chem1. I am not the creator of these, just the editer who gathered useful stuff off the internet and put it all together for people to use. I'm not profitting from it so I'm guessing I'm not breaking any laws. I wouldn't know because school doesn't teach you about whats actually legal, which is pure stupidity, but i'm guessing they'll catch on eventually.


  1. I like this a lot, but it's a bit visually cluttered. Could you make perhaps provide one that spreads the additional information to a second page, or share how you made it, so I could make one tailored to my needs?

  2. Hello- sorry for the late response! I used Microsoft paint, which is available as a basic program on most computers. You have the ability to move things around in there but if you are going to change the sizes or anything then I suggest first copying and pasting the item in Microsoft word as that will do less harm to the resolution.

  3. esta muy completa me gusto mucho pero podrias ofrecernos una imagen traducida al espaƱol por favor
